Alan Neckowitz

Alan Neckowitz

Alan Neckowitz and other donors established this scholarship in 2006. Alan is a retired professor from the School of Media Arts and Design. He taught for 34 years. The variety of print journalism courses taught by Professor Neckowitz during his years at JMU include News Writing, News Editing, Media Ethics, Media History, and Media and Politics. Neckowitz’s special love was working with students in small groups and one-on-one in his role as adviser to JMU’s campus newspaper, The Breeze.

As a media professional before coming to JMU, Prof. Neckowitz worked for three years as editor and suburban editor of the Willimantic Chronicle, a daily newspaper in eastern Connecticut (1971-73). He also worked for three years as a copy editor at the Hartford Courant (1969-71), and spent 10 years as an editor-writer for the George Washington National Forest, Harrisonburg, Virginia (1980-90).

In addition to his regular teaching, Neckowitz was provided with wonderful opportunities to teach students abroad in JMU’s International Education Program. He served as Faculty Member in Residence in JMU’s Semester in London program in 1984, and as FMIR in Florence in 1987 and 1991. With fellow SMAD colleagues, Neckowitz helped develop JMU’s Summer in Ireland program and he brought over groups of JMU students to study writing in Ireland during five different summers, 1997-2006.

To honor Neckowitz’s extensive work in International Studies, JMU has established a study abroad scholarship in his name.

This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in a program that is either taught or directed by a SMAD faculty member.