Ann and Micharl Kincheloe

Ann and Micharl Kincheloe

This scholarship was initiated in 2005 as a project of the Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society in memory of Ian Kincheloe a member of the Class of 2004 majoring in Biology who lost his life in a car accident on his way home to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving break in November 2001. Ians death had an impact on his family and friends in ways that those who never had a chance to meet him may never be able to fully appreciate. Ian was a model student and a trusted friend. He was passionate in his work as a student in the Biology Department. He served as a student assistant conducted extensive research was secretary for the Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society and was involved in many other collegiate clubs and organizations. He truly embodied the ideal of a well-rounded Madison student exceeding expectations of his professors and peers alike both in and out of the classroom. Ians glowing personality and countless contributions to the university community were well noted at the time of his death and will not be forgotten.
