Kay Daggy Neff

Kay Daggy Neff

The John Lewis Neff Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established in 2012 by Kay Daggy (’59) Neff in memory of her husband, John Lewis Neff.

Kay received her Bachelor of Science from the JMU College of Business, majoring in Business Administration. While at James Madison University, Mrs. Neff participanted in the academic club, The Wesley Foundation, and The Breeze. In 2000, she was awarded the Bluestone Medallion, a James Madison University Award of Distinction.

In her own words: “During our 65+ years we have learned to appreciate the advantage of higher education. After graduating from Madison in 1959 I went on to spend 24 years with General Electric Company and 18 years (jobs were overlapping) managing the Valley Industrial Credit Union. I helped start this credit Union as a place for GE employees to save and get small loans in 1977. I continue as an active volunteer.

John Received his appreciation of knowledge and higher education through his life experiences working for the Virginia Department of Transportation and Corrections, for the US Army in Germany, (Where he toured Europe on leave), and for Reynolds Metals Company from which he retired with 30 years of service.

Having no children we had to decide what legacy we would leave. Our James Madison University scholarship was the answer.” – Kay D. Neff


“Having no children we had to decide what legacy we would leave. Our James Madison University scholarship was the answer.” –Kay D. Neff
