Madison Business Scholarship Endowment

An endowed scholarship established with a philanthropic gift by Jason M. Minton ’03, James D. Bonnell ’02, Michael J. Marcantonio ’03, Michael Lentine ’03, David M. Krause ’03, James M. McDonald ’02 and Jonathan D. McWhinney ’02 , known here as the Madison Business Scholarship Group; the Madison Business Scholarship Endowment will provide funds annually to one (or more) outstanding undergraduate student scholar(s). The appointment of a student as a Madison Business Group Scholar shall follow the University’s guidelines for the awarding of scholarships and the criteria set forth below. The manner of administration for the scholarship selection process shall be at the discretion of the Dean for the College of Business; and, this selection process shall be guided by the following criteria.

Specifically, candidates for this scholarship must: Have a minimum of a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average at the time their candidacy for this scholarship is under consideration; Demonstrates financial need – determined by the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships; Demonstrate exceptional moral character and a well-rounded personality – evidenced by active involvement within the James Madison University community and the community generally.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you or have you in the past, participated in community or extracurricular activities?
  2. Please tell us more about your participation in these activities.
  3. Character Reference