Bruce Allen Benke Scholarship Endowment

An endowed scholarship established in honor of Bruce Allen Benke by his parents, Dr. Ralph & Patricia Benke. A selection committee, consisting of faculty members in the School of Accounting, shall consider the two criteria described below.

1. Demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and behavior. The recipient shall have contributed materially to an entrepreneurial venture or enterprise. Demonstrated involvement in the venture is required. While leadership of such a venture is desirable, it is not a necessary requirement for satisfying this criterion. Examples of entrepreneurial ventures include a lawn cutting business and similar ventures.

2. Scholarship and academic performance. The scholarship recipient shall have a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA), have attained junior level status, gained admission into the College of Business and COB 300, and be a declared Accounting major.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Submit an essay detailing your entrepreneurial spirit and behavior. The essay should address your involvement and how you contributed materially to an entrepreneurial venture or enterprise. Examples of entrepreneurial ventures include a lawn cutting business and similar ventures.