Kay Family Endowed Scholarship in the College of Business

An endowed scholarship established by David S. Kay (’89) & Margaret A. Fisher-Kay. This scholarship will provide financial resources annually to one outstanding rising Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior Student. To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must (a) be a declared business major and if a rising Junior or Senior must be accepted into the College of Business and in good standing, (b) have demonstrated highest financial need, and © demonstrate a commitment to community service. The same student may receive this scholarship throughout their time at JMU as long as they remain in good standing with the College of Business. The donors further direct that if more than one student meets the above criteria, then the Donors’ preferences are the scholarship be awarded in a manner determined at the discretion of the Dean for the College of Business. Beyond the above criteria, the appointment of a student to receive this scholarship shall follow the university’s guidelines for the awarding of scholarships.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe your commitment to community service.