Fern & George Terry Memorial Scholarship Endowment for Study Abroad

An endowed scholarship established by Robert Martin ‘88 in memory of his grandparents, Fern & George M. Terry – and, in appreciation for the spirit of philanthropy, particularly toward the furtherance of education, that his grandfather demonstrated throughout his life. As an undergraduate at James Madison University in the International Business Program, Robert Martin ’88 had the opportunity to study abroad in Spain as a junior and continues to view his study abroad as the most significant educational experience he had as a student.

The scholarship will provide support for outstanding students in the International Business Program at the College of Business during their study abroad experience. All students in the International Business Program who are planning to study abroad would be considered for this scholarship during the academic year prior to their study abroad experience; provided, however, that candidates must:

- Have a grade point average at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale at the time they seek this Scholarship;

- Demonstrate financial need relative to other qualified applicants, though need should not be determined by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships or on the basis of the FAFSA, but rather should be at the discretion of the Director for the International Business Program.

- Plan to study abroad in a country where the English language is not a principal language spoken by the people of that country.

The appointment of a student as a Terry Scholar shall follow the guidelines outlined above, and the University’s guidelines for the awarding of scholarships; provided, however, that the following specific conditions are here noted:

- A student may seek this scholarship more than once, if not selected in a particular year; but upon selection, this scholarship award may be received only once during a student’s college career at James Madison University.

In the event that this endowed scholarship may grow to a size sufficient to support more than one annual scholarship award, the Director for the International Business Program, or the successor guardian for this account at the time, as the case may be, may elect to increase the number of annual scholarship awards; however, each annual scholarship award will be five hundred dollars, regardless of the number of annual awards.
